
Anxiety & Stress of Animal Workers
Anxiety & Stress of Animal Workers
Anxiety is through the roof right now with the upcoming election, 24-hour news, doom scrolling and the fast pace of our society. And animal workers have their own set of stressors that cause anxiety.

Should You Try Meds?
Should You Try Meds?
I recently received an email asking me to do a podcast about how to decide whether or not to take meds for mental health issues.

Nervous System Co-Regulation
Nervous System Co-Regulation
In working with animals you understand the power of the nervous system. When an animal is anxious, you intuitively know how to calm them using your own balanced energy. In essence, this is co-regulation and you have the ability to do this not only with animals, but with people too.

What You Can't Fix: Other People
What You Can't Fix: Other People
I know you're a "fixer" for animals but what happens when humans around you are experiencing emotional pain from grief, anxiety, depression or heartbreak? You're naturally tendency is to try and fix them and you can't (and they don't need you to!). There are things you can do for people to support, validate and love them. This episode is that! Text REKINDLE to 66866 to receive my weekly emails.

Managing Anxiety
Managing Anxiety
Anxiety. Not only is it a sign of compassion fatigue but for some it can be debilitating and cause extreme misery in one's life. But what if we could learn to manage it? You can. Anxiety may never go