

Episode 281
The Hustle For Worthiness
Episode 281

The Hustle For Worthiness

This episode is all about self-worth and is one of my absolute favorite messages!
Episode 279
Opening Your Heart To Yourself
Episode 279

Opening Your Heart To Yourself

Believing in yourself and your inherent worthiness is perhaps the secret to happiness.
Episode 244
Wanting To Be Liked
Episode 244

Wanting To Be Liked

We all want to be liked but few of us really understand what we stand to lose when we prioritize wanting to be liked over being who we are.
Episode 235
Self-Belief and Internal Validation
Episode 235

Self-Belief and Internal Validation

We are all socialized to rely on others for approval and validation and that makes us highly reliant on the opinions, feedback and actions of others in order to feel supported and good about ourselves. That presents a big problem when others don't say or do what we want.
Episode 227
Self-Talk Jar
Episode 227

Self-Talk Jar

Our self-talk if not steered toward the positive can lead us to a negative self-image, lots of anxiety and lack of belief in ourselves. The Self-Talk Jar is a tool you can use to shift and change your self-talk.
Episode 104
Hustling for Worthiness
Episode 104

Hustling for Worthiness

The "hustle for worthiness" is a phrase I first heard from Brené Brown where she talked about either owning who we are and our story or spending our time hustling for our worth. Most of us (especially