
Choosing Self-Care w/ Kelly Burich
Choosing Self-Care w/ Kelly Burich
My Gemini Girl Kelly Burich and I are back at it this week gabbing about all things self-care.

Good Enough
Good Enough
In a culture that for women glorifies perfection, it can feel unnerving to consider that our actions or ourselves could be "good enough". For most women (and some men) that is an impossible concept to make peace with as they constantly beat themselves up to do better and better.

For All The Moms
For All The Moms
Women tend to think they are failing at it all and not measuring up to what they think being an ideal mom is. But few have actually questioned their beliefs around what a "good" and "bad" mom even is.

Balancing Motherhood and Career: Interview with Dr. RuthAnn Lobos
Balancing Motherhood and Career: Interview with Dr. RuthAnn Lobos
Can women really have it all? A career they love, motherhood and a life they love? Absolutely but it will require releasing the idea of doing it all perfectly. How does a busy veterinarian, wife and m