For All The Moms
Women tend to think they are failing at it all and not measuring up to what they think being an ideal mom is. But few have actually questioned their beliefs around what a "good" and "bad" mom even is.
I want to encourage you to question that. Journal on these 4 questions. Think about them deeply. And then redecide for yourself what makes a "good" and a "bad" mom.
1. What has the world told me makes someone a good mother?
2. What has the world told me makes someone a bad mother?
3. What might I not be seeing because of my beliefs of good or bad?
4. What do I want to decide for myself makes someone a good mother?
It can be tempting to want to save your kids from their negative emotions. I want to encourage you to support them through feeling them. Here are some helpful questions to guide that support.
-Can you name the feeling you’re feeling?
-Where in your body do you feel it?
-What does it feel like in your body?
-Can we just sit with it for a moment?
-Can we see that although it doesn’t feel great, it’s ok, you can handle it?

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